Fr. Corapi

Fr. John Corapi, a member of our community, came to Seattle this weekend to give a retreat. One of our Sisters attended and said that hundreds of people turned out to hear one of his last talks before he takes a sabbatical from a active ministry for a while.

One of his main points for the talk was encouraging the praying of the Rosary. He mentioned that the Rosary is our weapon during these trying times. He said to pray, pray and pray.

When Our Blessed Mother appears to people, her message is just that. She invites all people to turn back to her Son. She implores her children to repent, turn away from sin, fast, make sacrifices and pray. She gives her protection to those that pray her Rosary.

Our Blessed Mother once mentioned that if you have a hard time believing in her messages, make a Rosary Novena. Pray all the mysteries of the Rosary everyday for 9 days, offering those prayers to the Heart of Jesus and to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment. Try it for yourself and see if your heart changes a bit, I think you will find something miraculous does happen.

If you are tempted to criticize or condemn someone, try praying and making a sacrifice for them first. So often we complain and criticize without trying to help. When I mean help, I mean praying for that person and offering something up for them. Jesus suffered for us, knowing well that we would often reject Him and run from Him. Yet, He does not criticize us, He showers more grace upon us in many forms to help convert us.

Suffering is not a curse, it is a blessing. Offer whatever suffering you may have, everything from being hungry and thirsty or misunderstood and mistreated, to sicknesses in body and suffering in emotions to Jesus and Mary. You don't have to wait for something "big" to unite it to the suffering of Christ.

Offer whatever you have now, now IS the day of salvation.

Mary, Mother of Beautiful Love, pray for us!

God bless you!


Beth Lemer said…
Suffering is not a curse, but a blessing...
HARD to remember how true that is!
Beth Lemer said…
Suffering is not a curse, but a blessing...
HARD to remember how true that is!

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