Turn on the radio...

This was some heartening news

I was reading somewhere (maybe the National Catholic Register- I can't remember :O ) about the power of Catholic radio and it's growing presence in the U.S. market. Radio is one of the most cost effective ways to reach people, in the sense that one doesn't need to purchase expensive equipment to listen to a radio station and many people spend hours a day in the car on the way to work and naturally turn on the radio.

Pope John Paul II writing Ecclesia in America remarks, "For the new evangelization to be effective, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the culture of our time in which the social communications media are most influential. Therefore, knowledge and use of the media, whether the more traditional forms or those which technology has produced in recent times, is indispensable. Contemporary reality demands a capacity to learn the language, nature and characteristics of mass media. Using the media correctly and competently can lead to a genuine inculturation of the Gospel. At the same time, the media also help to shape the culture and mentality of people today, which is why there must be special pastoral activity aimed at those working in the media."

Excellent words. Glad people are listening...


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