"Christ Offers Everything"

Here is an account of the arrival of the Holy Father at World Youth Day in Sydney. The Holy Father speaks of how Christ offers everything, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life

It's so amazingly true and timely that the Holy Father speaks of these things. I am convinced more and more that the mercy of God is truly the answer to our problems, trials and struggles. It is only His mercy that heals and binds up all of our wounds, that forgives us our sins and allows us to forgive one another. It's the answer to bitterness, hurt, indifference and confusion. And it's freely offered. God IS love and mercy and as we are made in the image and likeness of Him, we too are called to be love and mercy in relationship with ourselves, those around us and to the entire world.

What a needed mission this is! Come Holy Spirit, Come and transform us, Come and renew the face of the earth!


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