The shadow proves the sunshine....

Here is an awesome song by Jon Foreman and Switchfoot- so deep and beautiful and TRUE. so often we feel lost and dark inside and want to just run away. but that darkness that we feel, the ache, the longing, the void is actually a sign that we were made for eternity.

we spend so much of our time trying to fill the longing and the ache with "stuff" from the world- money, affection, power, sex, alcohol, affirmation from others, etc but it never, ever fills the void.

when we can be honest within and come to Jesus and allow him to peer within our dark void and put his finger there and massage the brokenness and hardness away, it is then that we go deeper into Him, deeper into the Son. (sun)

Jon Foreman, you are a rock star. We don't know each other but I want you to know that I pray for you everyday. Your music is amazing and beautiful and so powerful. God bless you for saying yes to Him and sharing your gift with the world. May you be blessed now and always and I hope I have the opportunity to meet you one day!


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