Lies, Satan and Hell...

Holy cow, check out this blog post from another author about our deepest desires and where Satan attacks us the most. It's incredible.

Read it and pass it on...


Ryan said…
Thx for sharing this, Sister! :)
you are most welcome, Ryan. I am always glad to share good stuff! thanks for all you do!
Tori Harris said…
Just saw this and wanted to say THANKS! for sharing my testimony here. I am LOVING the blog and hope to one day shake your hand in person.
Esther said…
This was pretty great timing for me. Some things that have been troubling me I have been praying this week that I could learn how to overcome them. Tori's comment of looking for what is buried beneath those worries really opened my eyes and is helping me redirect my thoughts and prayers. Thank you you Tori and sister.

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