It's Been A While!

I am sorry it's been such a long time since I've posted something.
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Below is a small reflection by our SOLT member Sr. Anne Marie Walsh on the courage to be a missionary in whatever place we find ourselves.

Courageous Love

The meme on the left came off a page of Fr. Richard Heilman. I would like to reiterate something I posted once already, a thought of Pope Francis. The field of mission is the human person, not a foreign location. I'm amazed at how many people have to go to a foreign mission to see the "poor" for the first time. Anyone who cannot see that this country, (especially after watching the whole election cycle at this time) is mission territory is either incredibly oblivious to the state of souls here, or, is blinded by their own pride. Our country has ceased to be a light for the nations precisely because we are now so spiritually impoverished we are in need of those who will be light in this present darkness. I am not speaking from ignorance. I have been to countries all over the world in my work, and seen great material poverty. But in my own country, which I love, and which so many disparage, there is a need for courageous, loving people who are willing to lay down their lives to fight for the souls here whom Jesus also died forLet's not break our arms patting ourselves on the back for all the good we do for the poor out there, when members of our own household are perishing. This isn't a competition. Every soul, no matter the country it's found in, is priceless!Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT 


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