The Holy Father Speaks Light Into Darkness
Pope Benedict XVI gave an amazing talk to German youth on September 24th in Freiburg, Germany.
At a vigil for the young people, the Holy Father boldly reminded them once again that it is Jesus, not our societal advances, who is light of the world.
He goes on to say, "While all around us there may be darkness and gloom, yet we see a light: a small, tiny flame that is stronger than the seemingly powerful and invincible darkness. Christ, risen from the dead, shines in this world and he does so most brightly in those places where, in human terms, everything is sombre and hopeless. He has conquered death – he is alive – and faith in him, like a small light, cuts through all that is dark and threatening. To be sure, those who believe in Jesus do not lead lives of perpetual sunshine, as though they could be spared suffering and hardship, but there is always a bright glimmer there, lighting up the path that leads to fullness of life (cf. Jn 10:10). The eyes of those who believe in Christ see light even amid the darkest night and they already see the dawning of a new day."
This is incredibly true and beautiful. The world says we should cling to material possessions, self-centered interests and moral relativism. To contradict these "values" is becoming increasingly unpopular and a sure path to criticism and rejection by the world.
So, we have a choice. What will we do? Will we take the hands of Jesus and Mary and embrace a true and authentic path of discipleship? Or will we sink into the background of mediocrity and darkness and the illusion of comfort?
The Holy Father proclaims, "At this point we cannot remain silent about the existence of evil. We see it in so many places in this world; but we also see it – and this scares us – in our own lives. Truly, within our hearts there is a tendency towards evil, there is selfishness, envy, aggression. Perhaps with a certain self-discipline all this can to some degree be controlled. But it becomes more difficult with faults that are somewhat hidden, that can engulf us like a thick fog, such as sloth, or laziness in willing and doing good. Again and again in history, keen observers have pointed out that damage to the Church comes not from her opponents, but from uncommitted Christians. So how can Christ say that Christians, presumably including these weak Christians, are the light of the world? Perhaps we could understand if he were to call out to us: Repent! Be the light of the world! Change your life, make it bright and radiant! Should we not be surprised that the Lord directs no such appeal to us, but tells us that we are the light of the world, that we shine, that we light up the darkness?"
A worthy challenge indeed. Thank you Holy Father for continuing to speak the truth to us and bringing light to this dark world.
And I love this part the most, "Dear friends, Christ is not so much interested in how often in our lives we stumble and fall, as in how often with his help we pick ourselves up again. He does not demand glittering achievements, but he wants his light to shine in you."
Amen. Amen.
Please pray for the eternal rest of my mother Amelia who passed away suddenly earlier this month. Thanks and God bless.