Upcoming Retreats...

People often ask about upcoming retreats that I am involved in and I am pleased to announce TWO upcoming retreats in various parts of the country.

The Dignity of Woman-September 21st and 22nd in Corpus Christi, TX.

This retreat for women ages 18+ will focus on the beauty and dignity of women and the plan God has for us. SOLT General Superior, Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, and myself will be giving the talks.

To find out more or to register click here

Freedom Conference-October 5th and 6th in Boise, ID.

This retreat for anyone interested will focus on God's love for us and how to break free of what holds us back from experiencing that love and living to our fullest potential. The conference will be headed by an outstanding marriage and family therapist, Jake Khym, along with his wife and two great priests as well (and a random nun who will be giving one of the talks ;) ).

To find out more or to register for this retreat click here


Samantha Clawson said…
I wish Corpus Christi was a little closer to Louisiana! But I'm sure they will be wonderful retreats!
Unknown said…
"Random nun" indeed! I hope your retreats and talks go well. We will be praying for you during your travels, especially on the 22nd. ;)

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