Andy Irons Video Tribute by Surfer Magazine

Thank you to the anonymous commenter who sent me this link of a video in tribute to the surfer Andy Irons.

Actually, the post about Andy Irons that was added to this blog in November the day after he passed away has been one of my most read posts of all time.

In this video, i find the footage of him surfing to be amazing and beautiful and the words of Andy's brother at the end of video touching and heart wrenching.

Andy was only 32 when he suddenly and unexpectedly passed away, far from friends and family. He and his wife Lindy were awaiting, with much joy, the birth of their first child. A son was born to Andy a month after he died.

Life is a very precious gift, a deep mystery, and it is filled with enigmas that are hard to resolve this side of heaven. Why people struggle or why they suffer or the timing of suffering are realities that often elude us.

I have read many articles about Andy since his death and many of them are written with deep speculation of how he died and what that does to his reputation.

In my own opinion, it doesn't take anything away from Andy if he did indeed die of a complication due to drugs. His wife is not releasing the findings of the autopsy and that is their business, but, to me, if he did pass away from addiction and that truth was made known, it could be positively life changing for an untold number of people.

Many, many people suffer from addiction and we are often bolstered and inspired by the true story of others. Some of those stories are happy and some are sad but they always teach those who have the heart and the ears to hear.

If addiction was his demise and the truth of his death, then the truth would not take away from his victories or his amazing grace on a surfboard. It would not take away the love he had for his family or cover up a troubled heart.

Who doesn't have troubles?

The truth is certainly not always easy and can be very painful.

But the truth brings life and light that pierces the darkness and sets people free.

I don't know why Andy died or how, that's none of my business. I did not know him or his family. But I do know this- Andy is a man who was loved on earth and will be loved forever in eternity.

Rest in Peace Andy.


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