Helpful Stress Relieving Tips!

someone gave me this the other morning and i got a big laugh out of it. hope you find some humor in it as well :)

How To Handle Stress...The Right Way

1. Pop some popcorn without the lid on
2. When someone says, "have a nice day", tell them you have made other plans
3. Forget eating right and send yourself candy gram
4. Make a "Things to do list" of things that have already been done
5. Forward all your calls to "Dial-a-Farm-Animal"
6. Put a paper bag on your head and mark it "Closed for Remodeling"
7. Have your name legally changed to "Your Highness"
8. Take $10 out of the church collection basket and put in a note that says
"You owe me, Lord"
9. Write your next important email in pig Latin.
10. Read the dictionary upside down and look for secret messages
11. Bring your kazoo to work and when the need arises, strike up the tune
"Happy Days are Here Again"
12. Bill your doctor for the time you spent in his waiting room
13. Stare at people through a fork and pretend they are in jail.
14. Write a book entitled, "Compulsive, Neurotic, Anti-Social, Manic
Depressive, Paranoid but Basically Happy"
15. Send your goldfish to obedience school
16. Dress up as Rambo for the next wedding you attend


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