
Showing posts from January, 2006


I heard an ad on the radio today about the month of February being the month dedicated to "love". Actually, I saw the merchandise out in late December reminding me that soon there would come a day in February, a day where "love" is celebrated. I found it interesting that the Holy Father just published his first encyclical, which for all providential purposes, is about love. Now, i have not had a chance to read it yet, but I have a sneaky feeling that these 2 views on love differ greatly. So, what is love? If I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone mention, "Love is about how you feel", you'd be suprised as to how much cash I would have! Now, those of you who are married are laughing right now, and I guess it surprises me how often I hear that myself, but it's true. Our founder describes love as the "disposition to please the beloved". Love in all it's truest forms comes from God and is found in God. So we could say that true love...


Pope Benedict's first encyclical comes out on Jan 25th! Don't miss it! Also, please do a big act of charity in praying that U.S. once again protects the lives of the unborn. How can God truly bless us when taking the lives of the most innocent people is legal? Don't be fooled by " politically correct " jargon. We must protect all life, that is true dignity.


Here is Pope Benedict's State of the World Address Here is also an interesting interview with the Bishop of Hong Kong, Joseph Zen Ze-kiun Let's do our work while we are here on earth!

Random New Year Thoughts....

God bless you all! Happy New Year to you. Praying that you had a holy, happy and joy-filled Christmas. It seems that the world has forgotten Christmas already, even though we still have a couple of days of the actual season left. I was at the mall not too long ago and I noticed that stores were already putting their Valentine decorations, cards and chocolates out so people could spend some more money. lol! It seems that the world moves on so fast. Tragedy is forgotten, happiness is forgotten, technology cruises on at a blistering pace and it just seems that the media is always saying, " NEXT "! No wonder people, especially the lowly, are forgotten and neglected. The young, the sick, the aged and others are pushed to the side in search of the next big thing, the next excitement, the next fleeting image of health and beauty. Have you ever noticed some of the weather reports? It came to me one day as I listening to the weather that people never seem quite content. When there is ...