Hello to you all on this First day of 2009 and on the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. So much is going on the world today. It's interesting, listening to and reading the latest words of the Holy Father. He is calling on all of us to have a conversion in order to change the world. It's easy to sit back and point out all that is wrong with the world, but the hard part is looking within ourselves and seeing what needs to be changed in order to help that change along. The Holy Father recently said, "If people only look to their own interests, the world will certainly fall apart." This is certainly true. At this time in history, when it seems more than ever that people are sensing a dramatic change on the horizon, we need conversion, we need Christ. How often we relegate Christ to the farthest corners of our lives, and only call upon Him when we are in trouble or when we want something. How rude! I don't like that when people do that to me and yet how freely we d...