
Showing posts from May, 2013

Kid President Cures Global Sadness

Super Cute :)

Virginity Is Sexual

This is an excellent and mature article about sexuality and virginity. Religious life is not a call to asexual living but an invitation by Jesus to live out femininity and masculinity in its fullness with Him. Imagine if all of us in religious life lived this way as would change the world.

A Little Laugh For You...


The Pope Speaks To Religious Sisters in Rome

More powerful words from the Holy Father. Says that consecrated religious are "mothers, not spinsters"!

Go Out and Reach the Lost....

Another beautiful homily from Pope Francis today- here's a highlight : "Paul teaches us this journey of evangelization, because Jesus did, because he is well aware that evangelization is not proselytizing: it is because he is sure of Jesus Christ and does not need to justify himself [or] to seek reasons to justify himself.  When the Church loses this apostolic courage, she becomes a stalled Church, a tidy Church a nice, a Church that is nice to look at, but that is without fertility, because she has lost the courage to go to the outskirts, where there are many people who are victims of idolatry, worldliness of weak thought, [of] so many things. Let us today ask St Paul to give us this apostolic courage, this spiritual fervor, so that we might be confident.  ‘But Father,’ [you might say], ‘we might make mistakes…’ ... ‘[Well, what of it,’ I might respond], ‘Get on with you: if you make a mistake, you get up and go forward: that is the way. Those who do not wa...

A Humorous Look At What The Internet Does To Our Brains

This is awesome. Watching the whole video, even though it's only a few minutes long, is an exercise of our brains in this distracted world.. Good stuff!

Live Action's 4th Video- Inhuman

People cannot continue to ignore this nor pretend it doesn't happen across our country. Here is the fourth video released today by Live Action. God help us all.

Pope Francis: Stop Whining!

The homily from Pope Francis today made my day. This guy is amazing!

Giving Up Our Secrets...

This new article by our General Superior, Sr Anne Marie Walsh, is outstanding and so true on every level. My prayer is that, as you read it, the Holy Spirit will work in you through it. God bless you- Giving Up Secrets People seem to have a lot of secrets these days.   We could almost say we live in an age of secrets.    Governments have become skilled at keeping secrets; businesses are adept at the same thing.   Institutions, whether they be educational, medical or religious, all keep secrets for both good reasons and not so good reasons.    But this reflects people in general.   People tend to keep a lot of secrets. There is a pressing need to recognize that secrets make a difference.   They can determine the direction of our lives, and the manner in which we pass from this world into the next.   For whatever reason, people today seem to have more secrets than ever.   They have secret activities, secret wounds, s...

Lies, Satan and Hell...

Holy cow, check out this blog post from another author about our deepest desires and where Satan attacks us the most. It's incredible. Read it and pass it on...

Third Undercover Video From Live Action...

Below is a third video of undercover footage from pro-life group Live Action exposing America's late term abortion industry. It is sad to see women so thoroughly involved in the killing of other women's children. Why do we do this to ourselves as women? Why do we perpetuate and promote violence against our own gender? We tell ourselves we are "helping" other women attain freedom but we are only killing ourselves and our children. What will it take to awaken those who sleep?