
Showing posts from October, 2013

Healing the Heart...

This is an outstanding radio interview from Radio Maria with Dr. Bob Schuchts, a very gifted marriage and family therapist. In this interview, he talks about dealing with despair, woundedness and hope for real healing. Check out Dr. Bob's website at The retreats that he and his staff lead are life-changing. See the online schedule for the next event.

Women and the Priesthood

Another gem from Sr. Anne Marie Walsh- Women and the Priesthood There is a question that still seems to be unsettled in the minds of many ordinary Catholics.  It is a question that comes up when people positively assess our new Holy Father but think he still does not go far enough.  The question:  Why can't women be Priests? Many of the responses given to this question seem, in the end, to fall back solely upon authority.  Pope Paul VI said that respect for the modern mind requires more than this. In order to shed light on the questions of the present, Blessed John Paul II often led us back to the beginnings, to reflect on God’s creation of man and woman before the fall.  It is incontestable that both man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God.  Both are equal in dignity because of this.  But this does not make them the same in every other respect.  They are two different expressions of the human person, created to live in un...

The Father Effect

Check out this short film on the power of fatherhood. As many people in Christian circles are pointing out, one of the deepest wounds facing the world today is a lack of fatherhood. Most of us live like orphans, even in relation to God the Father. When we live as orphans, we grasp, fight and compare. When we live as sons and daughters we love, give and appreciate. @thefathereffect