Michael O' Brien...

Catholic author and artist, Michael O'Brien posted some thoughts and his story about sexual abuse in the Church.

He has some very beautiful and deep insights about the Church and the purification She is undergoing.

It's not easy to read about but it's true and authentic.

God bless him.



I just recently discovered your blog and I'm in the process of reading backwards :)

I saw you on Life on the Rock and your youtube videos and I completely identify with your story, right down to liking the word 'dude'! :) I'm still stuck in the dark though...

Anyway, I grew up in the diocese of Antigonish, which O'Brien is talking about. Bishop Lahey was the chancellor of my university as well... When the scandal broke it shook my already fragile faith to the core. The abuses committed, and the lies and the hypocrisies were so heinous I couldn't comprehend beginning to attend mass again, and really haven't since.

O'Briens words really make a lot of sense.

Thank you.
Heather-- if you want to chat about this, send me a comment with your email address, I won't publish your personal info.

thanks for reading. May Jesus tenderly bless you.

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