
Showing posts from October, 2012

A Call To Political Responsibility

I am posting the link to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' document on political responsibility. As the election draws near and voting commences, we need to know what we are really doing when we cast a vote. You may also want to prayerfully consider some form of extra prayer and fasting in the three days before the election on Nov. 6th. As Queen Esther prayed and fasted for three days before approaching the king, her courage opened the king's heart and her people were spared from certain destruction. May our prayers to God be heard and may the grace from our sacrifices overflow to open the hearts of the American people.

Michelle Obama Calls Partial-Birth Abortion a 'Legitimate Medical Procedure' While Taxpayers in Indiana Still Fund Planned Parenthood...

God help us all. Talk about a "war on women". Abortion is pure evil.

Bruno Mars is 'Locked Out of Heaven'...Perhaps Because of the 'Young, Wild Girls'?

The young singing sensation Bruno Mars is blazing up the charts with his new hit "Locked Out of Heaven." Why is this song popular? It's a rather crude but catchy tune about the desire to go out of oneself and enter into ecstatic union with another through the marital union. If you look closely at the lyrics, Bruno almost imitates the Song of Songs as he sings about becoming one with a woman in a deep way; asking her to "open the gates" so he "can see the light." Deep stuff for a Top 40 song. He sings that her love "could make a sinner change his ways." Of course, it becomes distorted and crude because he isn't singing about a marital union in a covenant relationship but more likely through a carnal union with whomever is available. Yet, the longing is there in his heart for something more. It seems to fit with another up and coming tune of his in which he sings about a desire for a wife and exclusive union but that he cant seem t...

Scary Commercial...

Saw this commercial today. Read that it was produced a couple of years ago but deemed "too offensive" for many networks so it was pulled. Maybe we as Americans just dont want to face the facts?

Navigating Pop Culture and the Regret of Plastic Surgery

Check out these two articles, both related in a very real way. One is about a formal model who now educates young girls on the illusions of pop culture and the other about a former reality TV star who regrets her plastic surgery. do I sense a trend?...... God bless them-

Planned Parenthood Wants To Be Believed...

ah, yes, the people who willingly murder children, cover up rape and work with sex traffickers now want us to believe that Mitt Romney will mislead the American people on the issue of abortion....*sigh*

Bad Lip Reading Does The Debate

This group of people who apparently have WAY too much time on their hands have put together their version of the debate from last week. Bad Lip Reading does voice over work with what it looks like people are saying and it can be completely hysterical and nonsensical. Some of their stuff can be a bit off-color and I am not recommending all their other stuff but this video of the debate made me laugh. Get ready for a few minutes of entire nonsense (outside of MSNBC)  :)

The Real "War On Women"

Below is another excellent reflection by our General Superior, Sr. Anne Marie Walsh. Please pass this on to all the women you know! We as women need to wake up to the lies of society and embrace our true and life-changing femininity. Letter to Women: A Word Regarding the Real War on Women Photo: anonlineindia   PBS recently aired a documentary on women in 6 different countries called, “Half the Sky,” based on the book of the same name, by Nicholas Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn.   Countries featured in the documentary were Sierra Leon, where rape as a weapon of choice during the civil war there has now become mainstream; Cambodia, where sex-trafficking brothels are filled with younger and younger girls who are locked up and even caged, made to take "clients" non-stop; Viet Nam where girls, especially from the countryside, are discriminated out of educations and left with little hope for much of a future;   Somaliland where genital mutilation still goes...

The Wine That Dazes...

Featured below is an outstanding reflection by our General Superior, Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, on "the wine that dazes us." I think we can all agree that our country seems to be paralyzed in so many areas. What is really going on? Sr. Anne explains the crisis-- May God give us keen insight and awaken our sleeping hearts as this election draws near. Pass this on to everyone you know-- The Wine That Dazes Us Recently, while speaking with a dear friend, I found myself sharing some of my personal experiences of growing up during the 60’s and 70’s.   I lived my grade school, high school and college, during the great movements and turmoil of that time:   the civil rights movement with its urban riots,   massive and active anti-war, anti-establishment activity especially on the campuses, women’s liberation, changes in the Church with Vatican II and shortly thereafter, the exodus of thousands of Priests and Sisters from their vocations.   I vividly recall the assas...

A Pastor Speaks Out...

Thank God more and more people are speaking out. Let us pray for those who fearlessly speak the truth in spite of society's "consequences."

Nuns Get Involved In Election

Check out this video regarding Catholic nuns getting involved in politics- especially regarding this upcoming presidential election. Marketing campaign? Not on my side of the fence....

Breakthrough Conference

For those of you in the Tallahassee, FL area (and beyond), check out this AWESOME upcoming conference hosted by Bart Schuchts. Wanna make a breakthrough in your life? Come and See! Details: Breakthrough Conference October 19-20 With DR. BOB SCHUCHTS and BART SCHUCHTS Worship Led by Chandler Collins. LifePoint Church 1224 Pedrick Rd Tallahassee, Fl 32317 Contact: Bart Schuchts Meetings are led by Bart Schuchts, Dr Bob Schuchts and a gifted team of leaders equipped to launch you past barriers into your destiny. Friday night: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM   (with breaks) Lunch and dinner are provided Saturday (on the grill!) Price: $75 per person (meals included), $125 per married couple ***Make check payable to LifePoint Church with "Breakthrough Conf" on memo line. ***Please confirm attendance ...