Dedicated Love......

So we went to this archdiocesan dinner this evening for all of the sisters in our archdiocese. Every year the Archbishop puts on this dinner in appreciation for the sisters and their contribution to the diocese and world at large.

It was a very interesting evening. We arrived a bit late (my fault) and were greeted by several sisters as we walked in, looking for a place to sit among the 150 sisters that were present. We made our way to the far side and took our seats with 4 other sisters from different communites.

Now, the age range at our table was from 25 to about, oh.....75 or so. 2 sisters at the table were novices and 2 were retired. As I sat there listening and answering questions, it occurred to me how beautiful dedicated love is.

Whenever I walked through the room during the evening, I saw sea of different women. Some wore habits, some wore long skirts, some had bright jackets on. Some of them were animatedly talking with the others at their table, some were silent while tranquilly enjoying their dinner. Many were older, having spent upward of 40 years in service of God through the diocese.

But what was more than the exterior of these diverse women was the bold fact of their lives. No matter what work they are participating in now, no matter what classes they are taking or whatever else they are actively engaged in, these women have dedicated themselves to Christ.

These women made a life-long (and into eternity) commitment to serve God and His people. These women have seen joy, sorrow, struggle, hope, sadness, glory and life. They have seen life.

There was just something so amazing about that. I hope that one day I get to ponder my life when I have been His Spouse for 50 years already. What an immense amount of wisdom and kindess there was in that room. And it was so inspiring.

There was such a beauty in that room this evening. There wasn't any make-up or high fashion or the "perfection of youth" that the world finds so attractive and seeks to attain and preserve at any cost. What was in that room was the beauty of dedicated love. It was the beauty of every individual taking their life, the greatest gift from God, and giving it back to Him. In good times and in bad. In sickness and in health. Totally His.

That kind of beauty, the beauty found in that simple and humble offering is something that the world cannot touch. It has eternal power and never fades. It transcends culture and age. Well, after all, I guess it should.

Love never fails.
