Life on the Rock

Check out EWTN this evening to see the show Life on the Rock, 10pm eastern time :)

Or stream it here:

Comments said…
Watched you on EWTN and you were awesome as usual! Thank you for your testimony and your blog wisdom!

(Sacred Heart Bellingham)
traptrooper said…
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Anonymous said…
Sister Miriam James-
Thank you so much, that was a beautiful witness. In fact, you covered so many topics, and hit them spot-on, that it was like a mini-retreat.
God bless,
cousin Angela
traptrooper said…
Thankyou for the great message you delivered on EWTN tonight. Your words were so powerful, yet down to earth, that they struck me deeply. I am still digesting everything you had to say, but you left me with goosebumps. I am contemplating a monastic vocation and Christ spoke through you tonight. I would love to talk to you more.

Thank you
Eddie said…
Awesome job on Life on the Rock! God bless!
Lisa M said…
Sister, thank you for your witness and for sharing so deeply and beautifully. I loved the story of your Mom praying to the Blessed Mother-what a wonderful woman she must be, you are blessed to have her!
I know some SOLT priests and sisters from my time in England, you all are a powerful community doing good work. May it continue to be blessed.
Anonymous said…
Dear Sister,
Thank you so much for giving us insight into your conversion and vocation. Watching LOTR with you was a real blessing to me. I have 2 daughters in Catholic School who have never met a sister (14 and 8). I plan to have them watch your show.
May God continue to bless you :)
Nancy (Philadelphia suburbs)
Anonymous said…
You are awesome! Keep doing what you are doing!
Anonymous said…
I was turning the channel, saw the show and decided to stay.I'm glad I did. You did the best thing you could have ever done by becoming a sister.

Anonymous said…
Awesome job Sister. Very powerful as usual. At least you didn't get called out about a deep southern accent the way I did last year on LOTR. LOL. Keep spreading the Word!

Your southern friend in Christ.
-Chris B.
Chip said…
Loved listening to your story last night on EWTN and excited to find your blog. It's down to earth with it's sights on Heaven. Thanks!
Katie Donahue said…
Sister Miriam,
Thank you for sharing your testimony and conversion story. I am going to have my teenagers watch this episode with me (they were elsewhere last night). You are a blessing and an inspiration. Thanks for your work and your blog! God bless you!
Brother Charles said…
Dear Sister Miriam James,
I think your comments and cheerful presence said so much about religious life. I am sorry that you did not mention Brothers at all.
Brother Charles
nikaboever said…
Sister Miriam James, I am not sure if you remember me or not, but I met you in North Dakota when I was volunteering at St Ann's, Just saw you on EWTN, was great to see you again and hear your story again, so encouraging. I was a Religious Sister for 4 1/2 years before the community I was in was supressed, now I am back to discerning Gods will, keep me in your prayers and I will continue to pray for you. God Bless- Danika Boever
Anonymous said…
I watched you on EWTN last night and I think your testimony really speaks to many young people!
OP Wannabe said…
Loved the show--thank you for your truly authentic witness to Christ, His Church, and to the consecrated life. I felt like I was listening to my own story as I heard yours! Keep on keepin' on. Know of my prayers.
Anonymous said…
You are a Rock Star!!! Good job on TV last night. We are all proud of you and think you did an awesome job. We are your biggest fans.

Gene and Dog
Anonymous said…
God is so smart calling woman like you to religious life
You made so many great points on your show that I can't wait to watch it again so they can sink in. As a dad I'm so grateful that you followed God's call. You are the warrior!
Rich H
Church of St. Dominic, Oyster Bay, NY
Tanya said…
Your episode of LOTR - ROCKED! You are so refreshingly real. God has truly touched my heart through you. I'm glad I got the chance to "meet" you this week. My prayers for you and your SOLT community.
(p.s. Loving your blog!)
Michelle said…
Charming, entertaining, and a powerful witness for Christ's love...great job on Life on the Rock!!

Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed watching and listening to you last night on EWTN. Your words really hit home with me. Thank you for sharing your life story.
Patricia said…
I enjoyed your talk very much on EWTN and hope to get the DVD of it to keep. You have a gift. Thanks, Dr. Patricia Harris, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX
Anonymous said…
Dear Sister Miriam James,

What a beautiful, living, example of how to gain such humility, grace, self-knowledge and God's glory if we only turn our life and our will to the care of God and trust our Blessed Mother to comfort us while we carry our crosses as Jesus did. I have been searching for a retreat recently so hopefully I will get to make it to New Mexico.
I am interested in the services of lay people in your order as well. I am married and we have adopted two beautiful children that are now 7 and 4.
I recently decided to make rosaries to send to missionaries but feel that God is calling me to do something much greater for his TRUTH. Your story touched me deeply as we have many similarities in our past lives:)
I absolutely adore Mother Angelica and EWTN is my favorite channel. Thank you for sharing your story and I am looking forward to following your blog now also.
May God continue to bless all your wonderful works,
Flo-bell in Florida
Anonymous said…
I watched you!

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