From SOLT Priest Fr. Tony Anderson
Blessings and greetings from the northern border of
Thank you, first of all, for reading my recent emails and watching those pro-life videos that were clear and sometimes gruesome.
At first glance, it seems that
Thomas Jefferson said that for a democracy to function, the voting populace needs to be virtuous. If an American ignores abortion, Iraq, Iran, ecology, education and the host of questions that need to be factored in to decide how to vote, and he simply votes for the candidate who will do him the most good economically, then that American is not being virtuous. Politics is about the common good. Who voted Tuesday for the common good with a well-informed conscience did a virtuous thing.
So are you depressed at the outcome of the election? Disappointed with folks in your own parish who voted for the man who was backed by the abortion lobby in his presidential run? Are you angry?
Don’t be. Let us decide to trust God.
Who knows what good He plans to draw from what was a patent national blunder? We cannot read the mind of God or predict how this turn of events is part of his
We can, however, see the glass half full:
1. We have, in the
2. Not only is Obama an African-American, he is an African whose grandmother lives in
3. Miraculously, miraculously, miraculously on Tuesday in the great State of
4. The Democrats do have a better immigration policy than the Republicans. Our documented and undocumented Mexican brothers and sisters may suffer less prejudice having a Democrat in the White House. This Democrat also happens to belong to a racial minority. Perhaps having a black man in the White House will help calm the fear and misunderstanding that breeds prejudice against the Mexican people in the
5. President-elect Barack Hussein Obama was raised in
6. We still live in a country where there is a rule of law and checks and balances. My father, a retired judge, opines that although the Freedom of Choice Act that Senator Obama promises to sign as his first presidential act does indeed threaten to wipe out all abortion restrictions in state and federal law, it may soon be found unconstitutional in the courts.
7. We have some gracious and noble losers in Senator McCain and George Bush that speak well of this civilization.
8. And the final good news on the second day after the election: Jesus is still Lord! The tomb is still empty! Love is still more powerful than hatred. Prayer is still more powerful than abortionist knives. Satan is still a mere creature. God is still all-powerful!
We prayed a novena before the election. Let us continue to be patriotic Christians. Pray for wisdom and strength for our president-elect. God give Barack Obama wisdom and strength. Amen.
Padre Antonio