I was pondering the readings from Mass today about the situation with Miriam becoming a leper (okay, so it struck a little close to home) It struck me how TYPICAL this kind of behavior is (not being turned into a leper, mind you, but the behavior that led up to that unfortunate consequence) So, here we have the brother and sister of Moses: Aaron and Miriam. Their brother was called personally by God for a great mission and he speaks to God face to face as one man does to another. However, they notice some things about Moses that appear to be imperfect. So they......COMPLAIN! and gossip too. Oh yeah, and they also judge Moses. They look at Moses' apparent flaw and grumble and say, "is it through Moses alone that God speaks? does He not speak through us also?" Allow me to translate that into 2011 speak, "who does this guy think he is? look at his personal life! We don't need him, God can use us far-more-perfect people" Ahem. So, well, then it di...