Showing posts from December, 2011
15-year-old Reveals Link Between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood
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Memorial Mass Update
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Here is a further list of memorial Masses for Fr. Santan Pinto- December 27 – St. Mel’s Catholic Church, Fair Oaks, CA, 7pm - St. Joseph’s Catholic Church , Newton, NJ , 8am December 28 – St. Alphonsus Church, Seattle, WA, 10am December 29 – Sacred Heart Church, Guelph, Canada, 7pm December 30 – St.s Francis and Anne Church, Kolin, LA 5:30pm (rosary), 6pm Mass December 31 – Our Lady of Belen Catholic Church, New Mexico, 10am January 3 – Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, 8am January 7 – Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, 8am January 17 -Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, 8pm January 28 – St. Benedict’s Church, Mohnton, PA , 9:30(rosary) ,10am Mass
Holy Father's Midnight Mass Homily
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This homily that was given last night by our Holy Father is AMAZING. wow, I am so glad he is our Papa. Dear Brothers and Sisters! The reading from Saint Paul’s Letter to Titus that we have just heard begins solemnly with the word “ apparuit”, which then comes back again in the reading at the Dawn Mass: apparuit – “there has appeared”. This is a programmatic word, by which the Church seeks to express synthetically the essence of Christmas. Formerly, people had spoken of God and formed human images of him in all sorts of different ways. God himself had spoken in many and various ways to mankind (cf. Heb 1:1 – Mass during the Day). But now something new has happened: he has appeared. He has revealed himself. He has emerged from the inaccessible light in which he dwells. He himself has come into our midst. This was the great joy of Christmas for the early Church: God has appeared. No longer is he merely an idea, no longer ...
Holy Father Reflects On The Fruits of World Youth Days...
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Here are some great quotes from the Holy Father as he reflected on the power of World Youth Days and also the Church in Africa... Another sign of hope is seen in the World Youth Days where "again and again ... a new, more youthful form of Christianity can be seen", one possessing five main characteristics. "Firstly, there is a new experience of catholicity, of the Church's universality. This is what struck the young people and all the participants quite directly: we come from every continent, but although we have never met one another, we know one another" because "the same inner encounter with Jesus Christ has stamped us deep within with the same structure of intellect, will, and heart. ... In this setting, to say that all humanity are brothers and sisters is not merely an idea: it becomes a real shared experience, generating joy". Secondly, "from this derives a new way of living our humanity, our Christianity. For me, one of th...
Update Letter From the Bishop of Belgaum
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Peace of Christ ! May I wish you all the graces of the Christmas season as also the blessings of God has in store for you in the New Year. I know it will be celebrated by you in a very sombre atmosphere after the sad demise of Fr. Santan Pinto. We are just getting over the shock. I am sorry I couldn’t write to you after the funeral because of pressing engagements these days as also the Christmas correspondence. To add a little more on the details of the funeral, Fr.Santan was buried in the Belgaum Catholic Cemetery after the solemn Eucharist in the Fatima Cathedral on 16th Dec.2011. His body was disfigured and so we couldn’t keep it for public view. As the condition was bad, we kept the coffin closed throughout. About 35 Priests concelebrated with me and the Cathedral was full and overflowing with mourners from all over Belgaum. His sister, Patsy and many of the other relatives had come from Goa, Pune and Bombay. Of the two others in the vehicle with Fr. Santan, the...
Memorial Masses For Fr. Pinto-- UPDATED
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The SOLT Community will be holding three large memorial masses for those who would like to remember Fr. Pinto in a special way. Thursday December 22nd at 10am at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Chapel, Corpus Christi, TX Wednesday December 28th at 10am at St. Alphonsus Parish, Seattle, WA Saturday December 31st at 10am at Our Lady of Belen, Belen, NM
Letter from the Bishop of Belgaum about Fr. Pinto's accident
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From the website 16th December 2011 PEACE OF CHRIST ! God’s will have been done in the case of Rev. Fr. Santan Pinto. I am sorry to report to you the death of Rev. Fr. Santan Pinto. It was really shocking for us. He returned from the States last night and he was travelling from Bombay to Belgaum by car, which was driven by afriend of his in Belgaum. They presumably left Bombay around 10 p.m. and the accident took place at5.00 a.m. in the morning about 30 kms from Belgaum. I visited the spot and saw the body this morning. It looks that the driver may have been sleepy and so banged a pole just before the tollgate. The accident must have been terrible because there are injuries all over the body. The family is still deciding regarding the funeral. I thought of giving you this first information. We have known Rev. Fr. Santan as a good Priest and a close friend of our Diocese. He encouraged you and the o...
Fr. Pinto's Last Youtube Video On The Topic Of Intercession
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SOLT Founder, Fr. James Flanagan, Reflects On The Life Of Fr. Santan Pinto
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In the wake of our grief and disbelief of the sudden departure of our beloved father, Fr. Pinto, (even as I am writing this, I cannot believe I am writing it, you know?) someone shared with me the words of our Founder, Fr. Flanagan, who briefly commented on the life of Fr. Pinto. Fr. Flanagan reflected, "Fr. Pinto, was a giant of a man, who witnessed the goodness of our father in the Gospels as a priest. He was a son of our Lady always praying the Rosary. He loved the sisters and formed many of them, and also the priests for their calling and vocations in the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, in the church, as well as forming the D.J.M. disciples in the Society of Our Lady's spirituality." These words are very true and fitting. Fr. Pinto was and is a giant of a man in many ways. He loved Our Blessed Mother and the priests and sisters in our community. It was out of deep love that he spent countless hours forming the laity and giving reflections and re...
Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT 1948-2011
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It is with a heavy and incredulous heart that I post the news that our beloved Father, Fr. Santan Pinto, died suddenly in a car accident after just arriving for a home visit in India. Apparently, Fr. Pinto was the passenger in a car that was struck and he died instantly. A Bishop in India, the Bishop of Belgaum, has contacted our community and confirmed this sorrowful news. Fr. Pinto's funeral will be tomorrow in India. It's interesting, you know, after just posting Father's Christmas message yesterday and then posting the clip by Fr. Barron about the true nature of Advent, we never know when God will take us home. The media and secular society loves to mock celibacy and the priesthood but it's easy to see that Fr. Pinto has more spiritual children than those people ever will. God will not be mocked. Father was a priest who was faithful to the end, who loved God more than anything and made countless sacrifices for his many spiritual children. To say that he will b...
Hateful? Abortion Blogger Urges Donations To Abortion Groups For Every Tebow Touchdown
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In a world where nothing much surprises me anymore, this pro-abortion blogger's post who is encouraging her readers, "For every touchdown Tebow throws next week … donate $5 or $10 to your local pro-choice organization,” is in particularly bad taste. 'Sophia' (apparently not her real name and the irony is heavy because the name Sophia means 'wisdom') went on to write about Tebow, "This is the same man that used the Super Bowl to a) build his reputation and brand as the saintliest saint of an athlete that ever lived, and b) raise money for an anti-choice organization that would deny the right to abortion to millions of women that need it. Yuck,” she adds. “If you’re a sports fan that also thinks women should be able to do what they want, when they want, and how they want it with their uteri, you can join in this too.” History has proven that people doing whatever they want, whenever they want and however they want without any ethics, logic or mora...
A Message From Fr. Pinto
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Below is a beautiful Christmas message from SOLT Priest, Fr. Santan Pinto: "Dear Disciples of Jesus and Mary, Missionaries of Mercy and Friends: The Lord chooses to hide His greatest blessings. These are seen or noticed by those who seek them. The wise men sought the Lord and were directed by means of a star. Simeon and the prophetess Anna sought the Lord and the Holy Spirit directed them to come to the temple at the very hour that Joseph and Mary were bringing Jesus to the temple. Zaccheus sought to see Jesus and Jesus went and stayed with Him. In the Resurrection the women were seeking Jesus. They were told, "Why are you the living among the dead. He is risen as He said." even today we will never find Him in the world with all it's glamour, power and greatness. He will always be found by the little ones in a place that is hidden, poor and simple. What is important for us this Christmas is to find within our hearts a spark that we should keep work...
Nuns On The Birth Control Pill? Outrageous..
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This has got to be one of THE most propaganda-filled articles on the birth control pill that I have ever read. A "study" is suggesting that if we nuns take the birth control pill, it may keep us healthier longer. I am actually laughing over the stupidity of this idea as I write this. Putting chemicals into my body that may include (and these are JUST the physical ones) side effects of (from : Nausea Vomiting Weight gain Breakthrough bleeding between menstrual periods Breast tenderness, breast pain High blood pressure Breast cancer Stroke Liver cancer, liver tumors, severe liver bleeding Heart Attack Blood clots in the legs or lungs Vaginal itching Vaginal discharge Breast tenderness, breast pain Weight gain or loss Change in appetite Increased hair growth or loss of hair on the head Darkening of facial skin Rash Upper respiratory infection Sinusitis Bronchitis Itchy skin Headache Abdominal pain Acne Depression Diarrhea Back p...
Why Women Weep....
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At first, I was just going to publish one article that I saw this morning, but in looking at the one article, there were several linked to it that all had to do with the same thing- how we as women are destroying ourselves. Many times we blame men for our problems, and yes, there is a deep woundedness between men and women because of original sin. Even John Paul II mentioned that women suffer in a more particularly acute way, the imbalance between men and women. However, we as women often lead the way in the destruction of ourselves and our fellow women. I would like to point out three articles that appeared just this morning- #1) an article about MTV that states that on most of the shows that feature violence against women, women are the ones perpetuating the violence against each other. Obviously MTV is near the bottom of the barrel when it comes to morals, but some of their shows garner a huge audience in the area of "reality" (which is anything but) TV. How is it t...
A Guy's Note To His Wife About Christmas Lights
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Someone sent this funny joke to me this morning and it made me laugh. Hope you enjoy it as well! Hi, Sweetheart: I am sorry about getting into an argument about putting up the Christmas lights. I guess that sometimes I feel like you are pushing me too hard when you want something. I realize that I was wrong, and I am apologizing for being such a hard-headed guy. All I want is for you to be happy--and be able to enjoy the holiday season. Nothing brightens the Christmas spirit like Christmas lights! I took the time to hang the lights for you today--and now I will be off to the golf course. Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I'll be home later. Love you……
Treacherous Shows Your Kids May Be Watching Without Your Knowledge
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The Mass Is Not Like Angry Birds...
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With all the talk and some disagreement from people about the new translation of the Mass, it reminds me once again that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not like Angry Birds. The Mass is not a superficially entertaining game. We do not come to Mass to be entertained. I hear people often say (and I used to think the same thing myself) "Mass is so boring, I dont get anything out of it and no one ever talks to me after Mass is over." The truth of this statement depends upon our interior disposition. If we are coming to Mass unprepared and expecting to be entertained and have things be "about us" then, yes, we will be bored. If we dont know much about our faith or the meaning of the prayers, then reciting them will seem monotonous and needless. If we don't realize that we are coming to receive and be received BY the King of Kings and our hearts are full of sin, then we will leave untouched and frigid. Rather than being a game like Angry Birds, the Holy Mass ...
"Larry King" and "Sarah Palin" Debate the New Translation of the Mass
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Michele Bachmann explains Same Sex Marriage and Prayer In School
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Stephen Colbert's World....
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Someone sent me a link last night to a bit that Stephen Colbert did on his show The Colbert Report which is featured on Comedy Central. I don't watch Stephen Colbert nor much of Comedy Central but I am familiar with him and his show. His show is a satirical take on politics and current events. It seems he spends a fair amount of time making of fun more conservative talk show hosts like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck. In the clip that was sent to me by a reader, (thanks for sending that, anonymous person) Mr. Colbert was commenting on the new Mass translation and its effect on the people. Mr. Colbert referred to himself as a Catholic and poked fun at the translation, the inability to follow along during Mass and play games on one's iphone at the same time, and how it was a scandal that the Church "not known for changing it's stance on things" changed the translation. If I am not mistaken, Mr. Colbert has a team of writers that write his monologues so whethe...
Some Scientists Call For 'Health Warnings' To Be Placed On Photoshopped Images
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This is an AMAZING study by scientists who have found an mathematical formula to determine whether an image has been photoshopped. They are suggesting that photoshopped images carry a 'health warning' so that people know they aren't real. (do we live in the Twilight Zone or what?) Read the excerpt from here: Scientists have come up with a way to detect if photographs of celebrities or models have been airbrushed or not -- and they hope it will be used to provide a universal “health warning” on magazine images. Professor of computer science Hany Farid and doctoral student Eric Kee from Dartmouth College analyzed 468 sets of unedited and retouched photographs of models. They then created a computer program to highlight the differences between a natural and retouched picture, using a mathematical description of augmentations. Each altered photograph was then judged on a scale of 1 to 5 -- with 5 signifying heavy retouching. Prof Farid and Mr Ke...
Former Actress Speaks Out On Hollywood's Obsession With Being Thin
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Lady Gaga Speaks Her Sorrow...
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Lady Gaga is arguably the most influential and popular woman in pop culture today. She calls her fans her "little monsters" and always seems to be doing ever more sensational things, everything from wearing a dress made out of raw meat to wearing a latex nun's habit onstage and featuring "Jesus" and "Judas" in a controversial music video. Her music hints at her delving into bi-sexuality and she is a well-known proponent of gay rights. She often appears scantily clad in public or dressed up in eccentric fashions. Needless to say, she gets noticed. A lot. But for all her "shocking" behavior choices, I wonder what is behind this mask. She seems to me to be one of the most closed and covered individuals of heart. We see a lot of her body and "life-style choices" but something about it seems hollow and empty. I'm not buying it. Her wikipedia entry says this: From the age of 11, Gaga – who was raised Roman Catholic attended ...