Lady Gaga Speaks Her Sorrow...

Lady Gaga is arguably the most influential and popular woman in pop culture today. She calls her fans her "little monsters" and always seems to be doing ever more sensational things, everything from wearing a dress made out of raw meat to wearing a latex nun's habit onstage and featuring "Jesus" and "Judas" in a controversial music video.

Her music hints at her delving into bi-sexuality and she is a well-known proponent of gay rights. She often appears scantily clad in public or dressed up in eccentric fashions. Needless to say, she gets noticed.
 A lot.

But for all her "shocking" behavior choices, I wonder what is behind this mask. She seems to me to be one of the most closed and covered individuals of heart. We see a lot of her body and "life-style choices" but something about it seems hollow and empty. I'm not buying it.

Her wikipedia entry says this:  From the age of 11, Gaga – who was raised Roman Catholic attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart, a private all-girls Roman Catholic school on Manhattan's Upper East Side. She described her academic life in high school as "very dedicated, very studious, very disciplined" but also "a bit insecure" as she told in an interview, "I used to get made fun of for being either too provocative or too eccentric, so I started to tone it down. I didn't fit in, and I felt like a freak." Acquaintances dispute that she did not fit in at school. "She had a core group of friends; she was a good student. She liked boys a lot, but singing was No. 1," recalled a former classmate.

As I pondered her peculiar public behavior and overtly sexual music, it seemed to me that she must have a hangup somewhere, like we all do. When I read her newest interview with Vanity Fair magazine, her words were very revealing.

She says, "I have never felt truly cherished by a lover. I have an inability to know what happiness feels like with a man...I have this effect on people where it starts out good. Then, when I’m in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it’s all unicorns and rainbows. And then they hate me.

So we see in the heart of Lady Gaga, the same deep yearning all of us have- to be loved for who we are, unconditionally and totally. When we don't get that kind of love- be it from our family of origin, our own wounds or choosing toxic people to unite with, it's easy to seek more disordered ways of "love" to try to get what we crave the most, but it never works.

Our capacity to love and be loved is a bottomless ocean. It is eternal and endless because we were created in endless and eternal love for endless and eternal love.

Lady Gaga seeks love and she seeks to "be seen" like we all do. This is not bad, it's part of our humanity. Our struggle is allowing Jesus to come and reorder our brokenness and thereby turning away from sin. Sin makes us unhappy and dark.

We pray for all those in the public eye who have influence over others. May they use their influence for good and not for evil.


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