SOLT Founder, Fr. James Flanagan, Reflects On The Life Of Fr. Santan Pinto

In the wake of our grief and disbelief of the sudden departure of our beloved father, Fr. Pinto, (even as I am writing this, I cannot believe I am writing it, you know?) someone shared with me the words of our Founder, Fr. Flanagan, who briefly commented on the life of Fr. Pinto.

Fr. Flanagan reflected, "Fr. Pinto, was a giant of a man, who witnessed the goodness of our father in the Gospels as a priest. He was a son of our Lady always praying the Rosary. He loved the sisters and formed many of them, and also the priests for their calling and vocations in the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, in the church, as well as forming the D.J.M. disciples in the Society of Our Lady's spirituality."

These words are very true and fitting. Fr. Pinto was and is a giant of a man in many ways. He loved Our Blessed Mother and the priests and sisters in our community. It was out of deep love that he spent countless hours forming the laity and giving reflections and retreats.

His love changed us all.

Rest in peace, dear Father. God called you all the way home to take you Home.

We look forward to seeing you again one day....


jumpnjon said…
Jon and I are DJM's in Phoenix. We were with Father last Sat. and celebrated Our Lady Of Guadalupe with him and the DJM's. The photo shown is from the OLG celebration. When we were leaving we asked for a blessing. He was appreciative and gave us a GIANT grace filled hug. A hug that was special like one would not see you for sometime.
Tantumblogo said…
I never met Fr. Pinto, saw one of his videos, or even read anything he wrote, but I heard a great deal about him through our family (that is, yours and mine). I will maintain the pious hope that Fr. Pinto is in Heaven, but will pray as if he is in need of my prayers to be released from Purgatory/gain the Beatific Vision. Charity demands that we pray for the souls of the departed. Even while we may hope that Fr. Pinto's prayers, good works, and sufferings may have satisfied the temporal punishment due to sin and he was instantly transported to Heaven, let us pray as if he needs our prayers desperately. His prayers will then speed our own journey, God willing.

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