May the Fourth Be With You....

Happy Star Wars Day :)


uncleschmidt said…
And your new Cathlic response is...."and with your spirit".
Billy Jack said…
This movie changed my life. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. My parents were big movie buffs and we did a lot of drive ins around rural Ohio because you got two movies for the price of one. When Star Wars came out I begged my Dad to take us to a "walk in", what we called regular, indoor theaters. We rarely did walk ins. But Star Wars just premiered to long lines in a couple of these theaters. He consented (he almost never did) and I will never forget the moment that big Imperial Cruiser scraped the top of the movie theater screen in the opening moments of the film. I have never forgotten those first fifteen minutes of that film. I was enthralled. I had never seen anything that magical before. I was in the fifth grade.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Sister!

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