A Royal Thread...

I mentioned yesterday that I have been thinking a lot lately about suffering and how Jesus to share His life with us. A friend and I were talking yesterday and were discussing the difficulties we all face as we travel on the journey of healing, this journey of holiness and wholeness and oneness with Jesus. How hard the path of discipleship is because it requires us to be honest, open and willing and very few of us seem to want to do that. It's not easy. We have to look within our selves and face our darkness and our greatness and both scare us immensely.

I know in my own life, as I have looked back and journeyed through some deep wounds, I often wondered where God was and why He didn't protect me. Is that not the age old question? "Where was God when I was suffering?" This question has been asked down through the centuries.

There are a number of answers to that question but I am not going to get into that here.

Something more profound is perhaps this reality- that no matter what has happened in our lives, what other people have done to us or sorrowful things that have befallen us, there is a place deep within us, that no one can touch or alter- the essence of who we really are. People may be able to harm us physically or emotionally. They may be able to harm our reputation or cause us grief, but there is a part of us that no one can touch, a part no one can destroy. A part of us that no one can give and no one can take away.

Every single one of us, every single person ever created, is supposed to be here. No one is an "accident" or "unplanned." God wills all of us, we are His children and our dignity comes from that foundational truth- and no one can take that from us. Our dignity is not in what we look like or how much money we make or how powerful we are, or what other people think of us- these things are superfluous and passing.

Our dignity solidly rests in the eternal God. God, the Divine Lover, who is always with us, if only we have the eyes to see.

Be not afraid.
