Birth Control Pills Recalled, Komen Foundation Ends Grant To Planned Parenthood

two interesting articles that surfaced today-

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer recalled over 1 million packets of birth control pills, claiming that there may not be enough contraception hormone in the pills to prevent pregnancy. The company urged women to "begin using a non-hormone contraceptive immediately" (this so strikes at the heart and foundation of true love- the urge to protect oneself immediately- God help us all....)

The Susan G. Komen foundation is announcing the end of its partnership with Planned Parenthood (a fact that many people didn't even know, they kept it well hidden).

To which PP responded, "We are alarmed and saddened that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation appears to have succumbed to political pressure. Our greatest desire is for Komen to reconsider this policy and recommit to the partnership on which so many women count," Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement released by the federation.

Ms. Richards, they are not succumbing to political pressure, your organization is under review for misuse of funds and blatant coverups of sexual abuse and rape. (see undercover video at Studies show that abortion and birth control pills have links to breast cancer. By and large, it seems your Planned Parenthood organization is more interested in making money than really helping women. Many of us women are waking up and seeing the truth.


Alex Pintus said…
Dear Sister,
Please pray for me as I enter the convent May 8th, 2012 in the order known as The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara! You and your episode on "Life on the Rock" are a big part of my vocation story! Please read my vocation story at
You and the SOLT are in my prayers! And praise God that the Komen Foundation has ended grants to Planned Parenthood.

God Bless!
- Alex Pintus
Melissa said…
Praying for you now Alex! May the Lord richly bless you in your vocation as His bride!

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