Lenten Currency Exchange...

Happy Lent! Perhaps many of you have discovered (as I have) that old habits die hard, so to speak. How easily we cling to our idols and the "currency" of our past.

I was thinking of it, like this--

As we go through life, we acquire and use a certain "currency" that gets us through life. It's a currency of acceptability, success, power, achievement, likeability- whatever masks we wear that help us feel loveable and get other people to like us. There is nothing wrong with people liking us, don't get me wrong. But when we live with these masks and use this currency as the value of our self worth, it becomes a problem.

Perhaps we could see it like holding onto American dollars, which only have a relative, but no intrinsic value. The value of the American dollar is relative and changing and could be revoked at any time (which isn't too hard to imagine). If the value and power of the American dollar is revoked, all we are left holding are pieces of pretty green paper.

Compare this to gold. Gold has an intrinsic value. It has always been valued, comes from the earth and is treasured.

Using this analogy- gold is who we really are. Our value comes not from comparing ourselves to others but that we are made in the image and likeness of God. We are loveable and valuable not for what we "do" or can offer others, but intrinsically in who we are. We shine because are His children.

So, this Lent, perhaps God would like to receive our American dollars that we tightly clench in our fists, for fear of losing "value" and reveal our true worth in gold. He leads us out into the desert and "speaks tenderly" to our hearts. He does not wish to force Himself on us or strip us of our dignity. He only wishes us to open our hands and hearts to give Him what never satisfies in exchange for what eternally satisfies.

As we stumble and struggle through Lent, may we turn to Him, ask for help and let ourselves be loved.


matt said…
http://cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/showbiz/2012/02/28/wynter-a-nun-at-the-oscars.cnn.html Sister, check this out it's about a nun who went to the oscars and talked about why she left hollywood... pretty cool!

=matt root

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