Life on the Rock Archive

Some of you have asked to see the show from last week--

here it tis!

thanks to all of you for your kind support :)


Kelli said…
Oh Sister! How I love you! I loved the episode!
Thank you for your witness of love & keep spreading TOB ;)
R.E. Johnson said…
Both joyful and a bit depressing (the fact that the world is wrong about so many things), but I love watching you speak.
Josette said…
Sr. Miriam, thank you for speaking the truth with so much passion and "real-ness" :)

That message of authentic love has been on our hearts recently. We feel a burden for many young girls we know struggling so much in search of that but are buried in so much anger or feelings of insecurity. Do you have retreats or such that they can attend? Would you be willing to come speak to them/us? Please? :)
Fr. Dwight Hoeberechts, OMI said…
Sister Miriam....I just finished watching the June 2nd episode of Life on the Rock which featured you speaking. Thank you for saying YES to the Lord and your vocation as a Religious Sister. You said so many great and beautiful things. I pray many more young people will view the show. May God continue to bless you and your religious order.
I'm watching it right now! It's quite a wonderful segment and I look forward to passing it along to others.
Bets Joy said…
I am currently discerning religious communities and I found your video on my recommended for you page on youtube. I told my mom about your order and she said to me "Betsy you need to stop finding so many orders that fit you so well. You can only enter one!"
I honestly have no idea where God will lead in the future except that He has given me a desire to evangelize through building relationships.
I'm really excited to be in contact with your community. Please keep me in prayer as I continue to discern His will.

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