thought for the day...

There comes a time (or many times) in our life when hanging on to our ego and selfishness is far more painful than letting it go and entrusting it to God.

Perhaps we are most stressed out in life when we are clinging to our personal ideas of "how things are supposed to be" vs living life on life's terms.

So often we are set free and we gain so much more when we let go...

Just a thought.

Happy Wednesday :)


Melissa said…
Thanks Sister. I needed that today. I know you are a music fan...check out one of my new fav songs:

Enjoy and have a blessed day!
Brenda said…
I am so pleased I found your blog. I have been enjoying it since you were on EWTN. Bless you. Brenda
cafehrhard said…
I LOVED your interview on Life on the Rock! It was great to see that you are doing well. Thanks so much for everything!
Melinda said…
I really loved your interview on Life on the Rock. Your discussion of the Theology of th Body is so beautiful. I felt like the Holy Spirit was talking to me. You truely are a beautiful soul. God Bless you always Sister.
I also want to teach teen girls about the beauty of chastity. Please pray for me that I will find God's direction.

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